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created by Ben Hassad version 4.0 impressum

To make the earth-part look more technical, we´re adding some more small circles, lines and textparts. The textparts are halftransparent, smoothly going from full view to invisible. Different sizes make it look more perspective.

Now we´re adding some more parts: a headline, some blocks and lines, another circle and a dna pic. As for the dnaimage, just search round the web or take the one we´re going to use for that wall:

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That pic still has it´s edges at the right an upper side, so we´re use some black to paint that edges away. Alternatively, you can use a tranparent tool on the edges or unselect them in the maskmode with black ‘airbrushing’.

So that´s what the wall look like so far (next page), the text parts are in tahoma and swiss911 XCm BT:

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